As Our Lady of Mercy Catholic College Burraneer expands to include senior years, it is vital to have teachers who possess a deep understanding of the Year 11 and 12 curriculum to foster development opportunities for its students.

Throughout the last 12 months, a range of new teachers with specialised knowledge and expertise have been hired by the school, to ensure its students are well-equipped for HSC success and finding the path to their future careers.

Leonie Pearce, Principal at Our Lady of Mercy, is excited by the potential of seeing adolescent students grow into accomplished young women under the guidance of expert educators. 

“We have recruited exceptionally well with all new staff possessing extensive HSC experience teaching Stage Six students. Our range of teachers includes HSC markers and supervisors, Independent School Paper contributors and those actively involved in the academic community.”

“Our teachers genuinely bring a depth and breadth of experience. They are working within their faculties to bring this knowledge to the classroom, drawing on expertise from their colleagues, and years of planning and preparation,” Ms Pearce said. 

Senior years can be academically demanding and emotionally challenging for students, especially as they navigate their way towards higher education or other post-secondary paths. 

Newly hired and existing teachers at Our Lady of Mercy will act as mentors and provide guidance to students during this crucial phase of their education. 

They will assist students in navigating subject selection, study techniques, time management and goal setting, helping senior pupils make informed decisions and develop essential skills for future success.

“We are providing a unique opportunity and experience for our students. By offering a boutique setting and thanks to small class sizes, teachers get to know their students very well. The opportunity for this level of feedback is limited at larger schools.

“To be able to walk the final path of their schooling journey with them into Year 11 and 12, and to see they are truly thriving and transitioning into young leaders is special,” Ms Pearce said. 

In Year 11 and 12, students often choose specific subjects based on their interests and future career aspirations. 

Our Lady of Mercy’s range of new and existing teachers who specialise in a plethora of subjects will provide students with in-depth knowledge and expertise, enabling them to delve deeper into their chosen fields. 

Luke Reynolds, Instructional Leader – HSIE, is one of the exciting recent hires at Our Lady of Mercy and brings extensive experience as an HSC marker and exam paper reviewer. 

Luke has unique insights into what quality student work should look like and excels at developing students’ overall knowledge base, supported by the development of case studies, literacy, and numeracy skills.

“With the opportunity to take our students all the way through to Year 12, we build camaraderie and rapport with our students whilst witnessing not only academic progression, but students growing as people. 

“One of the most rewarding aspects is seeing our students evolve into respectable, mature, thoughtful, and critically thinking adults.

“Success will look like boutique learning experiences for our girls, adoption of a new college uniform, visible personal and academic growth in our students and ultimately, the continuation of Mercy values,” Mr Reynolds said. 

Teachers at Our Lady of Mercy will also introduce students to the latest research, industry trends, and practical applications, fostering a deeper understanding and enthusiasm for the subject matter.

“As experts in girl’s education, our teachers have a wealth of experience from Year 7 all the way through to Year 12. We want to have a positive impact on all aspects of our students’ lives with a particular focus on dignity, compassion, service and seeking excellence,” Ms Pearce said. 

Our Lady of Mercy Burraneer is currently accepting Year 11 enrolments for 2024. Fill out our Expression of Interest form here for more information.

Meet Our HSC Expert Teachers